If you think keyword research can’t be more complicated, think again. Due to the many updates in Google’s algorithm, it is safe to say that the best practices for researching keywords a year ago might not work at all today.
In addition to the ever-changing algorithm, another factor to look into is the influence of social media in search engine results. Needless to say, it’s a different ball game now as far as keyword research is concerned.
So how should Australian brands ride the tides of change? Unfortunately, there’s no single trick that could solve this challenge as it requires various techniques and methods to ensure that you’re doing the right thing.
If there’s one thing that is certain it is that the keywords you choose tell what your brand’s focus is, and what your audience search for tells you what they want. It is all about finding the right balance between those two.
It is important to know what type of keyword to use to maximise optimisation of your site. You would need a solid plan to ensure that you are spending on the right keywords otherwise it would be a lost cause.
Here’s Why You Should Invest in Commercial-Oriented Keywords
The first thing to know about these keywords is that they are usually used by consumers who have the intention to buy. They are using Google to know the best product to buy for their specific needs. Examples are: “best headphones in Melbourne” and “best Sydney restaurant.”
Your brand would want to invest in such keywords because they are the ones used by people who are ready to spend their money. When your website stands out in the search engine results page (SERP), there’s a good chance that you will close a deal with consumers who have the intention to buy. In other words, the probability of conversion is high.
But Don’t Forget About Information-Based Keywords
Let’s be realistic; not everyone who uses Google is looking to buy stuff, there are many who are just looking for information. While the conversion rate is not as high as commercial-driven keywords, information-based keywords can deliver extensive results as there are more people to target.
Some examples of information-based keywords: “how to file a car accident claim,” “what are the differences between DSLR and mirrorless camera.”
Probably the most challenging part about researching for information-based keywords is knowing what your target audience is looking for online. Remember: you can’t lead consumers to your website if you don’t know what they are looking for. It’s all about providing answers while trying to highlight the features of your product.
If you’re not sure how to go about information-based keyword research, you should consider using online tools that will make things a lot easier.
Find the Middle Ground
It takes two to tango. You would want to find the sweet spot between commercial and information-based keywords. Investing solely in commercial-oriented keywords will not give you the opportunity to explore consumers who haven’t decided to buy yet. This goes the same for information-based keywords; don’t just rely on them otherwise you’ll be losing some high-converting leads. Simply put, you’ve got to find the balance between the two.
The mastery of these two types of keywords will make your website more authoritative, giving your website more leverage in getting the trust of your target audience. In the long run, your brand will become an authority in its field, helping your optimisation processes in no time.
Take a Look into Direct Brand Search Too
One mistake most newbie marketers do is to discount the fact that there are people who search for brands directly on Google. They sometimes fail to do keyword research on brand-centric keywords, which can make things harder for searchers to get into the right web pages they’ve been looking for.
Even if your brand is still new and is still gaining momentum, don’t underestimate your reach. You would never know when consumers are already looking for your brand in Google. So it’s important to put some effort in brand-centric keywords as well.
You would also want to ensure that the searchers are being led to the right pages so they will not have a hard time navigating their way through your website. You don’t want to turn possible buyers off because you have failed to make your site navigation-friendly.
Keep in mind: make sure to monitor navigational queries and to optimise them. As they say: leave no stone unturned. To make things easier, you can consider using tools, such as SEO Chat, which allows you to see suggested keywords for direct brand queries.
If the Going Gets Too Tough to Handle, Call for Help
There’s only one thing that’s sure in the marketing industry: changes happen. For any Australian brand to rule the game of keywords, it should be able to adapt and to carve its own path.
Managing a business is already challenging as it is, and finding time to do the marketing yourself is undeniably a tall order. You might have some knowledge and skills that will boost your site’s ranking, but you really can never tell. Your brand is always an algorithm away from being back to the SERP limbo.
Getting the services of a professional agency to handle your SEO needs may add up to your overall operational costs but the results overweigh that. If your brand needs an extra push when it comes to digital marketing, may it be SEO, paid advertising, web design and development, or social media management, don’t hesitate to give us a call or to send us an email. Our pool of experienced and highly skilled marketers can help your business unlock its full potentials.