5 Google Ads Features Everyone Should Be Using


If you manage a digital store or a B2B business in Australia, heads up. Google Ads has cool features that can influence your marketing efforts moving forward.

In the world of online product advertising, Google doesn’t have the monopoly over things. Amazon and Facebook are close competitors, and because of this, Google has to be on its toes and to evolve so other companies wouldn’t have the upper hand. This is why the multination technology company has launched improvements in Google Ads.
So, what are the Google Ads features you should be using this 2018? Let’s explore.

New User Interface

The new UI may confuse you at first but the changes implemented by Google will start to make sense once you get used to them.

Google Ads New User Interface

One of the welcome updates is that the UI gives you more control. You can now bid on call extensions, limit target audience based on household income, and review landing page performance. It makes a world of difference from the older UI.

Promo Extensions

Let’s get real: many consumers don’t use Google to look for the items they want to buy, they go to Amazon or Facebook instead. This is the main reason why Google is offering an AdWords feature—promotion extension.

With this feature, online businesses can advertise their products more effectively. They can now easily push for special discounts, vouchers, holiday sale, and the like. Naturally, this will allow e-commerce store owners to engage more users and boost their sales.

Click-To-Message Extensions

Another cool AdWords feature you would want to maximize is message extensions. If you want to engage your audience, improve your customer service and support, this feature is what you need.

Google Ads Click-to-message

Talking with the consumers gives you more leverage into getting their nod. The formula is simple: communication leads to sales.

Call-Only Ads

Sometimes the shorter and more concise the ad is, the better the response you can get from the market. Call-only ads are another AdWords feature you might want to explore.

Google Ads Call-Only Ads

The ad is as simple as it gets: no headline, just contact number and URL—that’s it. While simple, this feature allows e-commerce store owners to gather relevant data, such as click-through rate, call length, the number of calls, and the most effective keywords. These bits of information can be helpful in knowing what works and what doesn’t.

Shopping Campaigns

Why bother relying on AdWords’ shopping campaigns? The numbers are in and they show one thing—shopping ads continue to grow. According to data, in the US alone, retailers spend over 75% of their search budget on Google Shopping ads.

Google Shopping Example

It is also worth noting that these retailers spend 66% of their shopping ads on non-brand keywords, which means many are still eyeing consumers who haven’t picked a specific brand yet. With this, it’s safe to say that shopping ads are effective due to the fact that retailers spend a lot on them.
The AdWords features can be your tools for boosting your brand’s sales—no question about that. But if you don’t want the hassle of doing everything on your own, contact us today, and we’ll get everything done for you.

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Search Insights is Australia’s leading e-commerce digital marketing agency. The insights we provided on 5 Google Ads features that every business should be using, right now is just the tip of the iceberg. We can help you consistently make sales every single month and grow your brand for expansion into overseas markets.

We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again. The only question is, will your brand be our next success story? Discover the answer right away: Contact us today!

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