You don’t have to be a multi-awarded and seasoned marketer to know for a fact that content marketing works. There are countless stories that prove this, but if you’re still uncertain about how it can help your brand, allow us to give you some numbers.
According to a study conducted by Content Marketing Institute, 89% of surveyed B2B marketers firmly believe that content marketing is important in ensuring the growth of B2Bs. The same study also revealed that most B2B marketers are becoming more satisfied with their brands’ content marketing efforts.
Content marketing works! If you have a brand that mainly deals with businesses in Australia and you think that content marketing is just a waste of money and effort, well, it’s time for you to go back to the drawing board and wake up!
Now that we’ve established that content marketing is important for Australian B2Bs, let’s discuss the elephant in the room: how to create an effective, cost-efficient, and practical content marketing campaign.
Info Overload: It’s Over 9000!
Seasoned marketers have this term that you should know: “content shock.” Basically, content shock describes the state where there are too many pieces of content that target readers won’t be able to read them all.
Content shock is not uncommon in any type of industry these days, which is understandable. One of the reasons for this is that many companies live and breathe content marketing so it is natural for them to produce dozens and dozens of items every so often.
Because of this scenario, the content marketing game has become extremely tight and competitive in the past few years. Only the most reliable, authoritative, and unique pieces of content could make the cut. So if you want to be in the big leagues, there’s no easy way. You have to work your way through, carve your own path if you have to.
We have a few tips for you to jumpstart your content marketing game. Take note. First, you would want to create and publish articles and blogs that address your target audience. Second, make sure that you are only producing unique content—don’t even think about copying and paste others’ work. Third, your website should be mobile-friendly because most Australians use their phone to read content.
A Dash of SEO Is Necessary
Your site may have the most awesome content, but if you don’t know anything about SEO, consider going back to zero. One of the best ways to expand your content’s reach is to incorporate the best SEO practices.
Learning about the latest Google algorithm update, ensuring your content’s originality and quality, site’s mobile-friendliness, and include important keywords in the content’s body is the way to go. If you want your content to be SEO-friendly, you just have to exert a little more effort to make sure that what you publish follow the best practices.
If bombarding content with dozens of keywords has worked a decade ago, it’s a different ball game now. Google has become wiser, stricter and vaguer. With all the algorithm updates that happened in the past few years, it is easy to get lost in translation. So it is important that you stay updated with the latest SEO-content marketing news.
Now, if you find doing SEO out of your league, you can always ask for help. Good SEO requires time, patience, and more patience—if you don’t have any of these, your best option is to retain the services of a professional SEO specialist.
Be Original to Go Viral
We can’t be more annoying but we have to repeat this over and over again: be original. If your brand’s content arsenal is a complete rehash of trending things, perhaps it’s time to step it up. Don’t be afraid to explore other forms of content.
When we say “content” we are not only talking about blogs and articles. There’s static content, which includes e-books, whitepapers, blog posts, brochures, among others. There’s visual content, which includes video, infographics, memes, and GIFs. And there’s also interactive content, which includes quizzes, live chats, solution builders, and configurators.
See, there’s a garden variety of content types you can choose from. If your brand has been solely using blog posts, then you might want to consider producing a video, meme, or even a quiz. It’s time to explore what’s outside the box!
In 2017, the most viral Facebook posts include content about practical hacks, inspiring blogs, cute animals, music videos, and food and recipes.
Let’s explore the “Only 1 In 50 People Can Identify These 16 Grammar Mistakes. Can You?” quiz that received 5.4 million Facebook interactions in 2017. For starters, the headline easily arouses the interest and curiosity of the readers—plus it also poses a challenge. Call it a clickbait but it delivers.
As you are curious and feeling challenged, you would click on the link and try the quiz yourself. This is a classic example of an original content that has become viral.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
Content marketing is a game—you must know the rules to play it cool; otherwise, all your efforts will just go down the drain. If you want to expand your content’s reach, be in the loop, be in the know, understand your audience, learn what they need, and of course, be original.
However, if you reading throughout this post just made everything more complicated for you, don’t worry; that’s totally understandable. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that content marketing works, but how to make it work is a different story.
If you want your B2B business or any brand that targets the Australian market, invest in effective content marketing campaigns. Allow us to give you a hand in creating awesome and cost-efficient content marketing strategies that will help your brand. Send us an email today.